Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A great recipe...and healthy, too!

Good afternoon!

Isn't it great that 2 of the girls posted yesterday?? Sort of a refreshing break from the monotony of my life...

It wasn't a coincidence that they posted. Much like trying to get you to comment, I told them that the first to post would get a Starbucks card from me. It worked for 2/3 of the group! I'm still waiting for more of you to comment, but I believe that I am purchasing Starbucks drinks for Chris, Annemarie and Barb so far...Kristi, there is still room to get one! Get that gmail account going and comment, girlfriend!

I thought I'd post a recipe that I made recently that my family loved! And it's soooo healthy! You are to be warned, however, that it requires "sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into ribbons." That took FOREVER! So, my recommendation would be to use your food processor's slicing blade, or a manual slicer. I used my potato peeler. An hour later, there were many, many s. potato ribbons, but I had lost my sense of humor...

This recipe is taken from a fabulous book I purchased a few months ago, but with my house guests, only used  infrequently...but I LOVE it, so I plan to use it more, and wanted to share this recipe with you.

First, the book is called: The Eat-Clean Diet Recharged! by Tosca Reno
I purchased it on Amazon I believe, so here is the link if you'd like to do the same:
It looks like it's in stock and available for $11.66!

Here is the recipe
Colorful Chicken Stir-fry with Sweet Potatoes & Hoisin
I served this over quinoa....very yummy!

2 T roasted sesame oil, divided
2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut into 1/4" strips
2 sweet potatoes (you know...peeled and cut into ribbons)
1 large purple onion, peeled and cut into ribbons
1 turnip, peeled and cut into ribbons
1 carrot, peeled and cut into ribbons
1 T fresh ginger, minced
3 cloves garlic, put through garlic press
4-5 cups red cabbage, sliced
3 T Hoisin sauce
4 T sesame seeds, toasted
4 scallions, trimmed and chopped on the diagonal

1. Heat 1 T oil over medium-high heat. Stir-fry chicken strips until cooked
2. Add more oil if necessary and stir-fry potatoes, onion, turnip and carrot until tender-crisp. Add ginger and garlic, cook 2 minutes more.
3. Add red cabbage and stir-fry until soft, adding more oil if needed
4. Add hoisin sauce and reduce heat. Toss to coat.
5. Divide mixture among four heated service bowls.
Garnish with sesame seeds and scallions.

There you have it! If I had been completely on top of it, I would have taken a picture of our meal...alas, no photo. Sorry...

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Hi my name is Kati, and I like Starbucks.

I am going to take the next 8 minutes before my baked potato comes out of the oven to post my first ever entry to "women of four13". I have to admit, I was a little skeptical about doing a blog with my mom and sisters, but since there may or may not be coffee in it for me, I am participating...

I am a senior (graduating in less than 3 weeks with only 9 more classes to attend) at Valparaiso University receiving (cross your fingers) a degree for my majors in Art and Humanities. I have done a lot while I've been here at Valpo: given campus tours, led orientation groups, edited the yearbook, joined a sorority (Chi Omega), studied abroad (Germany), DJed a radio show, and made a few friends. Beginning in July, I will be attending the University of Delaware for my Masters in American Material Culture. I have a boyfriend named Kurt who is going to Mizzou next year for his Masters in Journalism.

Valpo is a Lutheran university, so while I haven't been 100% involved in church life while I've been here, it has been available to me and an option I have chosen many times to take part in. The Chapel of the Resurrection at Valpo, if you haven't seen it, is one of the most beautiful places I've ever been. I've had the opportunity to cantor (lead by singing) for our weekly Candlelight Service at the Chapel on Sunday nights a few times. Candlelight uses Holden Evening Prayer each week, and cantoring for that service has been one of my favorite experiences in Chapel-life while at Valpo. I know I will miss the campus chapel and the weekly services when I am in Delaware, but I am excited to check out new churches and denominations... I'm not all that sure being Lutheran is for me.

Besides finding a new church, which at this point is in the back of my mind, I have about a million other things coming up that I need to get ready for and do before leaving in July. This is a crazy time, but I am looking forward to the changes and the new experiences coming my way. I am going to need a lot of support from my family and friends, and a big dose of confidence from God to get through this summer!

Until next time...

I'm New to This!

Good evening everyone!

Can you believe how beautiful it is outside today? God really is wonderful, how can you look outside and not believe in Him?

Well, this is my first post. And, I guess I should take the time to introduce myself just a bit outside of what mom has already said about me. My name is Stephani, of course, and I am a 20 year old, a Sophomore at CMU. I am currently studying to receive a B. S. of Music with a minor or Foodservice Administration. Not two things normally put together...but, I couldn't fully give up music and I would really like to learn about the business side of foods before I travel away to culinary school! Makes sense now, kind of :). I am an RA in a small residence hall called Barnes. I love it a lot but it definitely takes up a lot of my time. I honestly can't think of anything else to say about there you have it! Now on to real things...
This weeks verse:

"Since you are precious and honored in my sight, and because I love you, I will give men in exchange for you, and people in exchange for your life." Isaiah 43:4

really struck a chord with me. Now, I don't know if mom planned this, but this is exactly the verse I needed this week.

Lately, I have been struggling whether it be with friends, jobs, school, or myself. Out of those four...I'm just going to dive into the "myself" section of it. Lots of things can happen in the mind of a newly 20 year old female. [these thoughts were also present when I was 19..but still]. I have always been the girl to flirt and have fun with guys. I was always going out on dates and it seemed like any guy had a crush on me. But, I have never been able to hold a steady relationship. The relationships I put myself into are not always the healthiest ones and it is probably best that they ended but there are some that would have been nice to keep around. I have been realizing more and more how I sabotage the relationships for myself. Once I meet a great guy and start dating them I somehow convince myself that I am not good enough for them and they deserve someone better. I don't know what happens in my head but it becomes very easy for me to turn my feeling s off for them as soon as I convince myself and then...the relationship just has to end.

Now, this probably doesn't sound like a whole lot of fun and it really isn't for anyone involved. But, since I have realized what I am doing to ruin this relationships I have been able to start taking steps to fix what happens in my head in hopes that I will be able to hold a steady relationship soon! Every girl, teenager, and woman needs to realize how incredible they really are. Every single person has something different to offer and is so special in their own little way. I am just now realizing all of the potential I have and how great of a catch I can really be to some guy.

No one deserves to feel like they should settle for anything less than the best. This verse really shows me that I am worth it. God loves me, even if I can't find a guy, God is still there no matter what. He made every one of us so different and so gifted. I feel like in our present society it is so hard to feel accepted because of all the different ideas that are put into our heads. If we all just took the time to realize how we are special and how we can grow and be amazing to ourselves than I think we would all be happier.

My counselor, last week, asked me to make a list of 10 to 12 reasons why I am worth it and why I am special. I encourage you all to make one of those lists if you are feeling down on yourself or having any doubts. The truth is, we're all worth it. God said it Himself and in reality He is all that matters. Take the time to make one of those lists and really dig down deep for your 12 reasons. It really is a great exercise that made me feel so much better and really helped me realize why I deserve the best.

Have a beautiful week!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Scripture Memory Verse Week #12

Good Morning, Princesses!
I pray that your weekend is being blessed by Him in too many ways for you to count! I know that mine has been, and it's only Sunday morning!
Since Friday, Tom, Adrianne and I have been involved in our first "Building Hope in Haiti" Conference. This is a group of people from New York to the Chicago area that are all working together to do just hope in Haiti in many different ways. All I can say in the few moments I have before leaving for church is, "WOW!" What an amazing group of people, with an amazing heart for Haiti!
There will be more on this in posts to come, but for now just a couple of photos...

From left to right, Pastor Marky Kessa, President of the Ev. Lutheran Church of Haiti (and Leonie's brother), Leonie, and her son, Ezechias (Rachelle's husband, if you've been following for awhile!)

At the BHiH Conference, Leonie, Ezechias and Tom are presenting an update on the Children of Israel Orphanage, and giving a vision for the future.
Adrianne and Ezechias at dinner after the conference ended...(the margarita is NOT Adrianne's!)
Our group at dinner...big group!

Ok, time for leave for church, and then Leonie and I head right up to Central Michigan Univ. to hear Stephani's choir perform this afternoon, so on to the memory verse and more chatting later!

This week's verse continues our theme about how your Heavenly Father feels about you...(He adores you, in case you forgot...) So the verse for this week is a continuation of our passage in Isaiah:

"Since you are precious and honored in my sight, and because I love you, I will give men in exchange for you, and people in exchange for your life." Isaiah 43:4

Another WOW, isn't it? Please take a moment to ponder each and every word in the first half of that verse...and reflect....and absorb...allow it to overwhelm you. You, dear sister, princess, are PRECIOUS and HONORED in the sight of the Holy One of Israel. The God that created the earth, the stars, and all of creation, created you and believes that you are precious and honored! I don't mean to pry, but when is the last time that someone told you that? And, then He throws in (as if the first part weren't enough), "and because I love you." Just in case you were wondering....

Ok, more on that later, time for be in the presence of the One that thinks I (and you) am pretty cool. Woo hoo! Let's go give Him the honor, glory and worship He is worthy of...


Sunday, April 18, 2010

Scripture Memory Verse, Week #11

Howdy, Princesses!

First, if you think that we are on week #10, please read my previous post, and then, welcome to being a "Mary..." at least where this is concerened!

Our verse for this week continues our theme of what God thinks about you...and is again taken from Isaiah 43.

"For I am the Lord, your God, the Holy One of Israel, Your Savior."  Isaiah 43:3a

This is a short and sweet verse, and it is the conclusion to the larger section we have been memorizing. The reason that it is important is because we need to remember just Who it is that adores us. This is the Lord, YOUR God. Oh, and He also happens to be the Holy One of Israel, YOUR Savior. Let  that knock your socks off as you reflect on it...HE is the one that thinks you are just so cool!

So, was the cashier at the grocery store a little snarly to you this week? Did your kids not appreciate all of the things you do for them? Did your boss seem to have the idea that you have no life outside the office, and the reason your planner has more room in it is so that you can be given more assignments???? Do not dismay...the God of the UNIVERSE thinks you are awesome, He adores you, and you have been created in His image. Let's put it all in perspective.

I know that I am going to about you?
Blessings on your week, princess!

God is good....

Hello Princesses!
(I am posting the memory verse in a separate post because this one will be long, but read on if you are interested! at the end!)

So, first of all I want to thank each and every one of you for each being so gracious as not to point out that we had 2 "week # 9" Scripture memory verses! Because I know that many of you are "marthas," I am certain that you have your weeks all labeled and counted out...but, you KNEW that I was doing the very best I could in my Mary/Martha-ness, and you decided to let it go. Thank you. You would be amused to know that as I typed "# 9" last week, I thought to myself, "Is it number 9, or number 10?" but, I allowed my "Mary-ness" to rule then and decided not to take the extra moment to check and see. I'm sure our Father was smiling then, and smiled as those of you that recognized it decided not to correct me! :) It's all good there, on a number of levels...isn't it???

This has been a week of prayer, conversation, reflection, and deep breaths in the midst of extreme busyness at work for me. I hope that you will keep all of this on your prayer list for me because I seem to be caught up in the perfect storm of busier than ever at work, with a lot of varying demands for my time and attention, as well as a time when God is speaking loudly and clearly to my heart and soul about His calling for me in ministry. And frankly, right now they both seem to be more than full time jobs in terms of the hours and attention they require.

Put all that together with running a home, preparing meals and planning for a college graduation in 3 weeks (Kait), with a move out of state for her in less than 3 months, another child coming home from college in 2 weeks, )Stephani), but preparing her for a summer ministry job that will take her around the country, and leaving in a month for that...another college child that is preparing to be the caretaker of our home this summer while the rest of us are gone, (Adrianne), as well as preparing for her own ministry in Haiti for weeks at a time, oh, and the high school graduation of another child (Benjamin)...and then Tom and I leave for Haiti for the summer!  WOW! And every bit of it is good, isn't it? We are so blessed! It's just that I shake my head at the logistics required, and wonder if I am up for the task. At the very moment that I type those words out loud, our Scripture memory verses come flooding into my mind. Hmmm...what a great God we have, indeed!

But again, if you would join me in prayer for discernment, clear direction, and eyes to see the doors that He is opening and closing, as well as eyes of faith to step through those doors without seeing what is on the other side. I covet those prayers!

Today Tom and I are preparing our home for our next visit from our Haiti family...Leonie returns at the end of this week and will be with us for a little while longer, her son Ezechias will be arriving on Friday (Rachelle's husband), and Leonie's brother, Pastor Marky Kessa, the President of the Lutheran Church of Haiti will also be staying with us for several days! What a huge blessing all of that will be! On Friday evening and Saturday we will be gathering with other folks from parts of Michigan, Ohio and New York (and maybe more...I'm not sure) to discuss what's been happening in Haiti and to plan for the future. It's going to be great! Please keep all of those traveling in your prayers, along with those involved in the planning and logistics for the conference itself.

God seems to be moving quickly and decisively in our lives, and for that we are so excited. I will be honest, though, my eyes of sight, and quite frankly, my weakness, becomes so apparent at moments like these.

This morning I had a few moments of hyperventilating about our 6-8 weeks in Haiti this summer. Nope. I wasn't losing it over how many souls will be saved...or will I be an adequate vessel for all God wants to accomplish through me there...Nope. What were these stressful thoughts? How will I do my hair in that humidity? What about the laundry? What shoes do I wear? How will I work out? How (gasp!) will I shave my legs? I about brings you to your knees with concern, doesn't it???

I'm happy to report that my ever-kind husband talked me off the ceiling a little bit...Adrianne helped in two ways, by informing Tom that a shaving and hair plan IS important, and then helped me develop such a plan...I'm feeling a little better now, thanks. On to bigger and better ministry...sigh. I have so far to GROW in this walk...

Anyways, my report here is again, that God is so good. He is faithful. He will accomplish all that He intends to accomplish, even through someone like me. That, my sisters, is good news.

And, now, some photos from some moments over the past several weeks:

Barb, in her birthday apron! She was eager to point out that her two girlfriends, Cheryl and I, who share the same birthday, each got her an apron for her birthday...weird...

Stephane in his Spiderman costume, that was his going away gift from our family! He slept in it that night...

Stephani and Adrianne out to dinner with a bunch of us for their 20th birthday!

The girls in a sillier moment...

"here, mom...try to look serious..."

And me having fun with Stephane before he left...

So, again...God is good! I am humbled by His goodness, and waiting to see what's next...

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Scripture Memory Verse, Week #9

Good late afternoon, princesses...

Well, as some of you know, my wonderful house guests from Haiti have been transported to their new home in Buffalo, NY! It has been a wild, crazy and wonderful week here at the Donnelly household. I still don't have much time to blog, as I put off my final project for my graduate class to do much more fun things to do like hold and play with babies, and now I have to face the reality that my final project is due Tuesday night!

With that, let's praise God for the fact that Tom had the opportunity and special blessing to baptize Gregory at our home last evening! Here is a photo of the happy God-parents:

Yes, that's right...Tom and I were chosen to be this precious little boy's God-parents! What a blessing! I can't WAIT to spend the rest of my spiritual life with that little guy and his family!

And here are the children that have loved on, and joined in this journey with Stephane and Gregory:

What blessings these little members of the Body of Christ have been to those boys! Words cannot express the love they shared with and showed those little boys while they were here! For anyone that says that one has to grow up to show the love of Christ, I will stand in bold opposition to this! There is a reason that Jesus said, "Let the little children come unto Me..." He knew the humble, selfless, power that was displayed in their love.

There are more photos to be shared, but I MUST get to that project! So, let's move on to the verse for this week:

"When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze." Isaiah 43:2

Ok, I know, I KNOW some of you are feeling like you are passing through the waters now! I KNOW that some of you feel that even though you are walking on your "tippy toes," the rivers are about to sweep over you! And for those of you that aren't there now, you either have been, or will be. I want to take you back to a moment in your childhood when you were somewhere between 6 and 10 years of age and you wandered into water that was getting to be too deep for you. You were perhaps playing and lost track of how deep the water was getting, or perhaps your parents weren't paying close attention and you wanted to see how far out you could go without getting matter the situation, most of us have found ourselves in a very real place where we were in water, on our toes, and could hardly keep our noses above the water. It's not a great feeling, because at the moment you aren't sure if you have enough control to get back to safe ground. One big wave and it could be all over...

Well, I also know that in your adult, princess life you have probably felt that way too, but not in a polka dot two-piece with ruffles on the behind. And, it's no less scary on dry ground, is it? Perhaps even more so...

Your Heavenly Father, the King, knew you since the beginning of time, and He has already been there. He is already the One holding your head up above the current and the waves...the One guiding your feet back to solid ground. Your Father, the King, tells you, "when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you..." HE is there.

So, no matter the struggle you face today, this week or this season....know that your Father is there to help you.

Because He adores you!
