Tuesday, September 28, 2010

New Opportunities...

God is so good. I know you know that, and I certainly know that. But tonight was such an affirmation of that again, and you know, He didn't have to do that...but He did!

I had the pleasure of speaking to a MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) group this evening that I haven't spoken to before. The church that they meet at is a mile from my house, and I've visited there a few times, was impressed, my girls went to youth group there for a couple of years, but other than that, I hadn't had any involvement.

Anyways, I was asked to speak tonight, and what a BLAST! I spoke on a chapter from this book:

The chapter that I spoke on is called, "Who are you again?....Oh yeah, the guy I married." And I spoke about maintaining a great relationship with your husband after having children. 

It was a great talk! Lively discussion about all things related to maintaining a marriage with children around...all topics...(insert your own mental images here.) And I added the "flavor" of having 2 marriages with children around...!

Anyways, ( I am trying HARD to write this despite lively, sometimes heated conversation in my home office!) 

One of the things that I mentioned was a book that I read while in Haiti. This book by Beth Moore:

I have been thinking and praying about starting a book discussion group about this book. I was waiting for clear direction over the past 6 weeks, and today I got it. All day, I kept thinking, "I have to mention a book discussion group for this book." It was clear. I needed to do it!

So, I mentioned it, sent around a sign up sheet, and 4 women said that they are interested! Praise God!

Now, I need to see who else is interested and figure out logistics. There are some women that need childcare if they are to attend this group. I don't know how to provide this yet, and I don't know if I can...but please pray about this; that either I can provide this, or that those moms that need this are able to make other arrangements.

Well, I've had 1,437 distractions while trying to write tonight. I hope it's coherent. And, if Monday nights at my house sound like a good place to hang to discuss self-esteem, then I am your connnection!

Have a great night!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

telling the story...

This morning Tom and I had the privilege of sharing a portion of our time in Haiti with our brothers and sisters in Christ at our church, Good Shepherd Lutheran! Since I took over 1200 photos myself, as well as countless videos taken by Tom, Adrianne and me, it was difficult to find a way to condense this into a 20 minute sermon message.

The way we decided to tackle this was to discuss what "we" (us and our Good Shepherd family) were involved in while in Haiti, during the sermon message and then discuss what is next during the 1 hour Bible study time. It sort of worked. :)

We divided the sermon portion into 4 sections: Carrefour duClos, Children of Israel Orphanage, Jacmel, concluded with some of the beauty of Haiti in photos.

During the Bible study time we (ok, Tom, really) got into more detail about next steps...what's needed in Carrefour, for CIO and in Jacmel. It was wonderful to hear some of the questions that people had about how to further help these specific areas through time, talents and treasures! There is such a love and passion for Haiti within our church! What a blessing!

In the end, I think that the Lord worked through the messages and was working in the hearts of the people that attended, which was our prayer. We pray now that people are moved to want to get involved through prayer, fundraising and trip planning so that multiple teams can be created and head down over the next two years...hopefully each specifically working on an area where the members are gifted and passionate...teaching the children, construction, helping the ministry in Carrefour, gathering cotton, knitting needles, fabric, and the list goes on and on.

There is a meeting next Sunday, September 26th at 12:30 pm where we will, under Adrianne's leadership, discuss, pray and start those conversations. If you'd like to attend, you can comment here or email me and I will pass on to Adrianne.

In conclusion, this was good for my heart today. It has hurt to not be there any longer and to not even be able to communicate as we desire due to all the "things" that get in the way...on our end, work schedules and commitments, on their end, lack of internet and electricity.

And, there is much for story to be told! We have so many videos and photos that help describe life there and the work that needs to be done. Tom and I discussed on our way home that it is our prayer to find a way to share more of what we experienced to those that have a desire to hear and learn. We will keep our hearts and eyes open for such an opportunity.

I am thankful that God provided this opportunity to us. I look forward to what we can do for Him next in this area to benefit the ministry in Haiti.

To Him be the glory.

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Noun1.ahem - the utterance of a sound similar to clearing the throat; intended to get attention, express hesitancy, fill a pause, hide embarrassment, warn a friend, etc.
utterancevocalization - the use of uttered sounds for auditory communication
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2008 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Yes, I know it's been a long while since I posted, and there is a reason for that. You see, I only post when I feel I have something to say, which hasn't been lately.

Life is good...you know...going along with work, home, the approaching fall and things. But, each time I think about sitting down and writing something, which I LOVE to do, I think to myself, "But what have I done that anyone needs to hear about?" And, probably the answer is: nothing.

Of course, having nothing of substance to say does not stop millions of bloggers from spewing out words each and every day. But, I digress.

I am not all fatalistic in thinking that nothing means anything after being in Haiti, nor am I adjusting poorly (imho) to life back in the states. It's just that by comparison, it is difficult to put the daily events of my life in any sort of perspective with my life in Haiti.

And, that's a struggle for me.

There are still things that I am working on for Haiti, and still reminders that our work there had meaning:

Like this photo of beautiful Marie Ansha knitting! Warens sent this to me last week. What's so meaningful about this one is that she had a tough time learning while I was there. Not learning in general, as she was my most relentless teacher when I was trying to learn Creole, but when it came to knitting, she was having a hard time.

Several times when I went to the orphanage after I had taught the girls, I would see her with some knitting in her hands. I would say, "Did you do that?" She would shake her head no, and say the name of the girl that had done it. But, you see, she was always studying, looking at the other girls' work, and trying to do it.

My joy at seeing this photo can hardly be put into words! This is her work! This means that 3 weeks after I left, instead of just setting aside those knitting needles, she kept working and working until she got it! I am so incredibly proud of her, and of course, you can see the joy in her face!

I also got photos recently of the raised garden boxes that have taken form, and will soon be filled with seeds as the weather begins to cool to a temperature that will allow seeds to grow. And we received updated photos of the wall, which is progressing.

God is good in allowing me to see the progress that has been made since we left, but the joy is bittersweet as it tugs at my heart that I am not there now to help more.

So, please bear with me as I find my voice again. (Ahem.) It's not that there is nothing going on in my life, but that I struggle to find the same meaning in my every day life here. There are things that God is showing me, and it's all good, but it's in His time, and I have never carried around the same pocketwatch that He does.

In the meantime, I go about life working, cooking, cleaning and seeking His will.

Tom and I are preparing to do a presentation next Sunday on our time in Haiti, which will do me good, I think.

In the meantime, I'm just a little quiet, which is always necessary when listening for instructions.

"Be still and know 
that I am God." 
~Psalm 46:10

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

baking as a release...

in college i feel as if i let myself get so caught up in everything going on that i forget to take a breather and rejuvenate myself. so, this year i made a conscious decision to take care of myself and not let me get too stressed. now, one may ask how i would go about doing that..in my experience everyone has their own way of de-stressing. it could be just locking yourself away and listening to some soothing music; for others it could be going for a walk, or shopping away the stress. but, for me, it is purely baking. i love being able to whip up a batch of cookies or brownies to perfection. all of my stress releases when i am mixing the different ingredients and when i get to wash all the pans when i'm done. but, the best part of baking is when i get to deliver cookies to other people.

living on a floor of freshman/sophomore college students makes it very easy for me to hand out cookies. baking on the floor, the smells from the kitchen spread across the floor and a good amount of people end up in the kitchen to get a warm cookies straight out of the oven. seeing peoples faces light up when they eat a cookie, or when they tell me that it made their day...really ends up making my day. giving people just an ounce of happiness makes me so happy because i think my mission in life is to spread joy all over.

last night i had the crazy idea to try and make up a new kind of cookies. normally when i bake i make one of two things: my homemade chocolate chip cookies, or my double chocolate brownies. [it is a very rare occasion for me to sway from one of those two things] but, last night i wanted to try something else out! then...my creative juices got flowing.

last night i made peanut butter chocolate chip pretzel cookies. possibly the greatest invention ever. everyone that was in the kitchen kept hearing me say "okay, guys if they arent good just tell me. because seriously they could turn out terribly" and everyone kept responding "no, your cookies are always magic" [how nice! it makes my heart so warm inside!]

so, the cookies came out of the oven...looking quite decadent but i was still quite nervous of the flavor. everyone quickly grabbed one...and turns out, they were great! i was told that this cookie i had just discovered tasted like a Take 5 candy bar except missing the caramel. that is when i decided that the next time i make this cookie when they come out of the oven, i will drizzle caramel over the top to make it that much better.

having people appreciate the cookies that i make really made my day that much better. if ever i am stressed or freaking about something i know that if i take the time to bake a batch of cookies my mood will be better because of the smiles that i will put on others' faces.

i think this is something we all should be aware of. when we are stressed we are going to build up more stress or stress out others around us. take some time, however you like to de-stress, be with those you love, and have a cookie :). life will become that much better when we take the time to enjoy what is around us.

slightly unrelated but this song is on.... "life's not the breaths you take, but the moments that take your breath away" take this to heart. live life to the fullest, don't let stress get you down.

here is the recipe:

1 1/2 c of flour
1 tsp of baking soda
1 1/2 c of butter [room temperature]
1 1/4 c of sugar [can add more if desired]
1 c of peanut butter
1/2 tsp of vanilla
2 eggs [room temperature]
1/2 c of chocolate chips
3 c of pretzels [i used the mini pretzels, but rods work as well!]

1. Preheat your oven to 350
2. whisk together the flour and baking soda in a separate bowl
3. use an electric mixer to blend the butter, sugar, and peanut butter. until fluffy.
4. add the vanilla and one egg at a time, mixing completely before adding the second egg.
5. gradually mix in the flour mixture
6. add the chocolate chips at the end.
7. crush the pretzels in a bowl, form the ball of dough and dip one side into the pretzel mixture. then put the dough [pretzel side up] onto the cookie sheet.
8. put the cookies in the oven for about 7 minutes then rotate the pan for another 6-7 minutes.
9. let cool for about 3 minutes, then serve and ENJOY!

Please let me know what you think of this recipe...if it doesn't taste exactly right, please let me know! i am always looking to improve and i need my recipes perfect for when i open the bakery!