Wednesday, December 1, 2010


This is an evening post based on the subject of some great emails today. Wow. God is so amazing - all the time - but I think we choose to see (or receive) what He gives when we are thinking about it, or in prayer about it, or in communication with Him (actually listening instead of doing all the talking, right?)

So, because I am somewhat tired and emotionally drained from the events of today (mostly good, focusing on that), I am going to abbreviate this a bit.

Anyways, if you are my friend on facebook, you may have seen that I shared an "event" called "pay it forward" last night. It's about doing a random act of kindness for someone each day in December - so 31 of them. And, if you're not my friend on facebook, why not? But I digress...just friend me, ok?

So, I was pretty geeked about that. Then last night as I thought about how powerful that could be (the pay it forward dynamic), I got to thinking about how I spent the last month thinking about and expressing God, and to my facebook world. I realized that after a month of gratitude, random acts of kindness would just be a natural outcome, and that it was a beautiful thing.

THEN, as I was praying/driving to work (don't worry - I *mostly* pray with my eyes open when I drive), I also was thinking about how great this would be but with a startling realization that without a conscious effort, I could very possibly treat strangers very well, but forget to tell my husband how much I love him. That was quite convicting for me.

So, (a glimpse inside a crazy mind here), I sent an email out to some beloved sisters in Christ challenging myself and them to do one special thing for their husband each day during December. It could be cute, fun, cheap, an investment (money and emotional), or whatever....but just to do it and see what happens.

WOW! What a response! I can tell you that I received quite a few replies today that totally challenged me in return! What an awesome sisterhood we have here, girls!

So, please, please, please find a way to comment on this blog to encourage others. Women thank me all the time for encouraging them, and I don't say this in a boastful way but to tell you that I don't do much, but if we are all doing it for each other, we become a powerful force for good with each other. I know it's a little complicated with the free web hosting. The only thing on my Christmas list is the ability to get a domain and a new blog design that will hopefully allow for my flexibility in posting and your ease in posting comments. Do you know that in the 11 months that I have had this blog, it has been viewed over 3,500 times? WOW! That doesn't mean that everyone that viewed it found what they were looking for, but it's out there.

So, please prayerfully consider this challenge. Feel free to share this link, but if you can do it via email rather than on facebook (why aren't you my friend on there yet??? just sayin') that would be awesome because I am trying to keep a little mystery here for my husband, too.

So many thanks to those of you that replied today and your honesty. For those that need more encouragement after the attempt today, please look to God to fill you up and not an instant response from your husband. For those of you that aren't sure you can do this well, trust me when I say that what you do will be blessed and you don't have to worry about "well." (and, oh, by the way, if you haven't read Beth Moore's book on Insecurity, now is the time dear.) For those that don't feel they have anything to give, again, let God fill you up.

Please share your comments here, and anonymously if you need to do it that way. Some are looking for encouragement, others are looking for ideas,...

I love you my sisters, and I feel a revolution coming...let's make marriage important and relevant again in  our society! Let's start by cherishing our husbands for one month.


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