Monday, May 17, 2010

Scipture Memory Verse Week #15

Short and sweet...

Remember that we are focusing on God's Words of instruction to us, and last week we memorized about being "more than conquerors." So, the question is, what do you have to conquer, and what does He have to say about it?

If you read my previous blog post, this verse will be familiar to you:

"We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express." ~Romans 8:26b

Now how can this be instruction, you ask? I guess it's a little bit of perceived instruction, but what I want you to take away from it is that you need to pray. Even if you don't know what to pray for, know that your words, your thoughts, your fears, your weeping, will be properly translated to our Father by the Spirit. And, that God answers prayer.

In the end, just do it. He's waiting.



Unknown said...

So happy to be reminded of the power of prayer. There's nothing like it in all the world.

Unknown said...

Hoping this works! Thanks for the help, Kimberly.