Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Haiti. Day 14, continued...

Last night, after dinner, we did our devotions. Tom talked to us about the following passage from Isaiah 55:

so is my word that goes out from my mouth:
       It will not return to me empty,
       but will accomplish what I desire
       and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.
 12 You will go out in joy
       and be led forth in peace;
       the mountains and hills
       will burst into song before you,
       and all the trees of the field
       will clap their hands.

He spoke about this in reference to Adrianne and Julie and the months of planning that they did for their time with the orphans, and all of the prayer that they did together in preparation for that. Also, he spoke about how much of themselves they put into all of their time with the kids for the past two weeks.

He spoke then about the passage above and reminded the girls that God's word never returns to Him empty, and that their efforts will be blessed. 

Finally, Tom told them that as they drove to Port-au-Prince this morning, and then flew out and home today, they should look down on the hills and trees and try to imagine them bursting into song and clapping their hands in response to the work of God.

What a blessing.

Here are a few photos from the goodbyes at the orphanage last night....

Adrianne and Julie reading a farewell note, written by Ruth (pictured next to Adrianne above) all written in English....

Girls and a couple of boys...group photo...

So beautiful...the love between the girls and these children. 

What a blessing...

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