Friday, July 9, 2010

the time has come! [the walrus said.]

monday is the day; my mom, julianne, and i are headed to haiti.

here's our itinerary:
- leave detroit airport at 7:15pm [?] i should probably figure that out...
- arrive in fort lauderdale around 10:00pm.
- go to sleeeep.
- leave fort lauderdale airport at 7:25am.
- arrive in port-au-prince, haiti [!!!] at 8:26am haitian time; so 9:26am our time.
- july 19th-23rd: julie and i are doing a VBS with the orphans! [more info about that later.]
- leave haiti july 27 at 9:35am. [i already don't want to leave and i'm not even there yet.]
- arrive in fort lauderdale at 12:33pm. [our time.]
- depart fort lauderdale airport at 4:20pm.
- arrive at the detroit airport at 7:23pm.
- get home, sleeeep, and dream about the beautiful kids we had to leave behind.

so! we've got a busy few weeks ahead of us! it was easy enough writing it all down though! now let me explain everything a little more.

okay so julie and i are SO EXCITED to do a VBS/summer camp with the kids at the orphanage! at first we weren't sure what to base the VBS on. i thought of the ten commandments and we went with that for a while, but then we came up with a better idea; the armor of God!!

so that's what we decided on! it seems simple enough, but believe me, it was a LOT of work!! here's what each day consists of:

9-9:30am: opening and skit
9:30-10am: game time!
10-10:30am: arts and crafts!
10:30-11:30am: english lesson done by mom and ketura isidor!
11:30-12pm: skit time
12-1pm: lunchh
1-1:30pm: music!!
1:30-2pm: scripture
2-2:30pm: closing

for each day we have a game, craft, scripture, and skit to match the piece of armor for that day. here's the armor schedule: [lots of lists in this post...hope you don't mind!]

monday: into/belt of truth
tuesday: breastplate of righteousness
wednesday: shoes of the gospel of peace
thursday: shield of faith
friday: helmet of salvation AND sword of the spirit

we are just so excited to do the VBS with the kids! i mean, we'd love to do anything with them, but this way we're actually making a difference! and we get to share God's love with them while having tons of fun!! when julie and i planned our trip we said we didn't want to just go down to be there; we wanted a purpose. who would have thought we would have so much fun planning it too?!

along with making up games and crafts for everyday, we also wrote a song for the week! it's a little goofy, but it was near the end of our planning and our brains were fried!! it's to the tune of "head, shoulders, knees, and toes":

belt, breastplate, and my shoes
(and my shoes!)
God's armor i will use
(i will use)
shield of faith
my helmet and my sword
God's armor i will use
(i will use)

first, i put on my belt of truth
(belt of truth)
without it there's nothing i can do
(i can do)
Jesus is the only way
i put on my belt of truth
(belt of truth)

the breastplate of righteousness
it defends me and protects
(and protects)
it keeps me strong
so i know right from wrong
the breastplate of righteousness

shoes i walk in every day
(every day)
the gospel of peace is the way
(is the way)
follow Christ wherever he may lead
shoes of the gospel of peace
(of peace)

hold up the shield of faith
(shield of faith)
i walk with and use it every day
(every day)
trusting God that i will be okay
i hold up the shield of faith
(shield of faith)

helmet of salvation on my head
(on my head)
sword of the spirit in my hand
(in my hand)
God loves us no matter what we do
Jesus loves me,
He loves you too!
(loves you too!)

hahaha. i told you it was goofy! but hopefully it won't be too hard for the kids to sing along. we tried to make it relevant and simple!

for the games, we have lots of different things planned! i won't explain them all [you'll see videos of them when i'm home, i'm sure], but i can assure you that we got plenty of water balloons and squirt guns and incorporated them into almost all of the games! so that will be tons of fun for the kids and i'm realized how great of an idea it was to buy a waterproof video camera!

arts and crafts are going to be a blast! we have strips of fabric that the kids will decorate and tie around their waists' to be "belt of truth" for monday. we even have big foam crosses to be the belt buckles!!

we have everything accounted for and planned as much as we can! now all we have to do if figure out how to pack everything! we successfully packed one bag [we're only allowed one bag per person] and it's the VBS bag! we got all of the VBS supplies to fit in the bag except for the belts of truth. and after a lot of work and adjusting, we got it to weigh 48.6 pounds!! so we're all set for that one.

on my last trip in march, i packed all my clothes and everything i needed in just a carryon backpack, but i was also only gone for 6 days. this time, i was confident that i wouldn't be able to fit it all in my backpack, but sure enough i did!! now all we have to fit in the big bag are julie's things and some clothes for the kids!!

i just can't even explain how excited i am to be going back to haiti. and so soon at that! i'm so excited to see how God works through us while we're there, how julie and my friendship grows through Christ, how my relationship with my parents strengths, to see my beautiful friends israelson, antoine, and warens, to see leonie and ezechias, and to meet ketura!! God is just bringing all of us together to do AMAZING work for Him.

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
Philippians 4:6-7

so i think we're homefree. we just have to get there now, but hopefully with protection and God's speed we'll be there in no time at all.

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