Sunday, August 1, 2010

Ayiti Beauty.

I haven't had much opportunity to just post for you a glimpse of the beauty of Haiti, so I thought that I would show you just a few things now...

(not sure what kind of tree this is...when I asked Israelson he said, "I big tree." thank you.)

The sun is beginning to set at Port Salut. This was last night...beautiful! And the photo below was taken a little later...

Tom and I have been discussing the importance of taking mission teams and visitors to see these beautiful places while they are  here. It is important for them to see not only the work that needs to be done, and to do some of that work, but also to see the amazing beauty of this country and the blessings that are here. As the Isidors say, "We work hard and we play hard."

I hope you find these as beautiful as I did...

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