Thursday, August 5, 2010

Ayiti. Day 23.

This is an update for yesterday and today...and I wanted to share with you a photo of three beautiful women that prepare the amazing meals that we eat everyday.
From left to right, Sincia, Veline and Ziane. Here they were shelling peas and cleaning spinach.

They often start one meal as they are finishing up the last meal. I am so thankful for them and the wonderful things that they prepare for us!

Here is my view during my devotions last night...

This morning, Ketura left for Port-au-Prince at 2:30 am. I, unfortunately missed saying goodbye to her...then Amanda, Megan, Ashley and Kelly were taken to PaP by Israelson and Tom at 6:30 this morning. I did manage to say goodbye to them, but it was close. I was sound asleep!

Around here this morning we did some housecleaning, and I did some much needed organizing of our can only stay so organized in a suitcase. Actually, Tom is living out of a suitcase and 2 laundry baskets...Leonie graciously gave up some closet space for me, so I do have many things hanging up. Still, I was not organized.

At lunch time, Yelline and I went to Torbeck. I started on the porch with the kids, and thought that since I don't know enough Creole yet, playing Uno would be a great thing to do!

I quickly realized that we weren't really playing I saw this:
 Yes, our folding chair / table has two different kinds of cards. Uno and Skip-Bo. I have not played Skip-Bo in many years, but being the proactive person that I am, I knew that they had that game and had grabbed the instructions from Les Cayes! So, I started reading the instructions...all is well, right?

Well, not so much. Claudine was doing her best to help me, but as far as I could tell we weren't playing a version of Uno OR of Skip-Bo. Fortunately Yelline came by just then, and I explained my predicament. She spoke to the kids and they told her that we weren't playing either...we were playing Casino. Then she proceeded to explain how to play Casino to me, and the royalty and aces had great significance. I told her that we didn't have those...then she shrugged and said, "Well, then. I don't know. Good luck." Haha!  It went on for awhile, and then I pulled out the Creole/English flashcards and we started practicing those.

I love working with the kids on the language because they don't get taught English until middle school, and even then, they have a great desire to learn. So, we had a great time quizzing each other and practicing pronunciations for quite awhile. They are great teachers!

A little bit later, the girls noticed that I badly needed a pedicure, and I got one, with the most attentive "staff" I've ever had! Here is what it looked like by my toes...
There was much discussion about color choice and proper application...I loved it, and now have pretty pink toes!

When the sun had become not quite so direct, Yelline and I decided to clean up the land that had been cleared for the raised beds. We quickly had help raking, scooping, and dumping!
It was still quite warm, but fun for everyone involved and got done within about 90 minutes.

This evening the internet and power finally came back on after almost 2 days without. It has been nice to spend a few minutes catching up with family that I have wondered about for the past couple of days! Glad to hear that everyone is well!

And, Tom and Israelson returned back just a little while ago. Tonight, Tom and I begin our first evening alone here in Haiti, without any of our family and friends along. While I miss them, this is the time that I have been anticipating...some much needed time to talk, pray and see how this all "feels" to us, and to discern where God may be leading.

We appreciate your updates and your prayers!


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