Saturday, February 20, 2010

enough for everyone...

What a wonderful time we are having with our friends from Haiti! They arrived yesterday afternoon, and now have been with us for just over 24 hours.
Leonie (the grandmother of Stephane and Gregory) looks fabulous! She has been on a diet, she tells me and really looks wonderful! I am so blessed to have her in my home...I want some of her to rub off on me while she is here...gentleness, kindness...well, actually, just go down the gifts of the Spirit and put her name in parenthesis behind each one and you'll begin to know a little about her.
Rachelle, I met for the first time yesterday. She is the wife of Ezekias, who is Leonie's son. Rachelle is a nursing student in Florida, and has been in the U.S. for 6 or 7 years since leaving Haiti. She met Ezekias when she was only about 8 years old in Les Cayes, Haiti. Her father is a pastor, and his church was nearby Pastor Israel Isidor's church. Pastor Israel (now deceased) was Leonie's husband and Ezekias' father.
Rachelle tells me that she would get out of her father's church service after it was over and stop by Pastor Israel's church because they handed out candy to the children! This is how she met Ezekias, and he became friends with her older brother. So, they have known each other a long time and are very happy together. Rachelle is 22 years old.
Stephane is Leonie's grandson and Rachelle's nephew. His parents are in Haiti working on building the new orphanage. Stephane was introduced to snow for the first time yesterday...
He reminds us very much of his Uncle Israelson, also in Haiti and working on the orphanage. He flirts with the girls, has beautiful eyes, lots of personality, and has a blast with his friend, Pastor Tom!
And, above in this photo, crawling towards Cookie Monster, you'll see the very, very cute baby Gregory! He is all smiles and just loves whomever he meets! He enjoys watching his big brother play with Pastor Tom and the girls, as he cuddles on someone's lap. He has trouble finishing his bottle because he is so busy smiling...
So, there you have it...of course, I couldn't finish this without saying how absolutely proud, amazed and thankful I am for my girls, Adrianne and Stephani! Adrianne was a tremendous help getting the house ready for the Isidor family to arrive, and she continues to help with all sorts of things (especially entertaining the babies) now that they have arrived! Stephani came home for the weekend just to spend time with them, and she also has been a big help playing, but also with the tasks that need to get done to feed and care for a family that has grown! Kati will be home in a week and a half, and I know it will be just the same with her...
Here's a photo of the "girls and the boys" being silly this morning.
What fun! What blessings all around! I am a thankful, thankful wife, mom and friend to my Haiti friends! God is already revealing things to me through this visit, and showing time and again that He is always faithful!...How little faith I have sometimes, but how gracious He is with me over and over again.
Till the next time...

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