Happy (almost) Valentines Day, Princess!
I hope that as you enjoy this day where love is celebrated, that you remember the Source of all love…the One without Whom we would never experience true love. It is my prayer that today as you celebrate with your sweetie, that you are basking in love for each other that flows from Him.
The other night we had the Haiti Lives! Coffeehouse Benefit at our church. It was a bigger success than any of us could have imagined! What a mighty, faithful and loving God we serve.
This event was special to me because at a breakfast after church 1 month ago, my daughters Stephani and Adrianne told Tom and I that they had an idea to help our friends and loved ones in Haiti. They spoke of an event like was held on 2-12-10…Stephani went back up to school and later that afternoon Adrianne got on the phone with our pastor as some others about the idea. Later that week she was meeting with two dear friends of mine over lunch, and presented the idea to Chris and Barb. They are such wise and loving women, that they decided to offer suggestions and any help that Adrianne might need with the planning, but that it was her baby from that time forward.
I say that they are wise because they kept their “inner Marthas” from coming out and wanting to plan and check on each and every detail. I know for sure that my inner Martha would not have been as restrained…I just tried to follow their lead.
WOW! What an amazing and beautiful thing happened through that process! Adrianne, who has always been gracious enough to let someone else make the decisions and be in the spotlight, turned on her creativity and passion for the people of Haiti, and she COMPLETELY ROCKED! Not only were the details taken care of, but we had HUGE support from our church, the young adults that heard about it, and members of the community. It was an evening of fun, great music, great food, fellowship and just plain relaxing and having fun. Setting up extra tables and chairs as more people streamed in was such a joy! Praise God as His people turned out to support Haiti in yet another way, and support those that did the planning for this event!
Stephani also sang, but it seems that no one (that I have found) took a still photo of her, but only video...if we find a photo, it will appear sometime in the future!
So, now that we are all still just enjoying the blessings of that evening, and as I turn my thoughts (and our household) to the friends that we will soon have staying with us from Haiti, I ponder this week’s memory verse:
“but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.”
Isaiah 40:31
This verse is meaningful for this week on so many levels. It seems that everywhere around me, people that I know and love are struggling and hurting, whether it is with their self image, their marriage, their children, an illness, conflict in family…so much hurt right now. I’ve had the privilege of speaking with a few women about my husband’s advice of not letting the “what ifs” overwhelm you in times like this, but focusing on what you know for sure. What are those things? Certainly that your Heavenly Father thinks you are just awesome, that He has a plan for your life and for those you love, whether it makes sense to you or not, that He is always in control and has your best interest at heart…what else? Perhaps that you have a beautiful family, that you were raised in a loving household, that you have a job…etc., etc., etc. Concentrating on what you know for sure will not let the “what ifs” into you mind very much…if you find yourself in this situation, I pray that you will think about these things.
Anyways, this verse reminds us that our hope is in the Lord (not men, not doctors, not anything that will fail), and that He will renew our strength. We’ve all felt strong at different times in our lives…and at other times, we feel that the well is empty and we are weak. He is the filler of wells and will renew and restore your strength! Sisters, this is His work, and He loves to do it! Take a moment to take a deep breath and allow your spiritual well to be filled and your strength renewed.
I think too, of our Haiti friends…those we love and those we haven’t met yet, and pray that in light of the recent events and such devastation, that they would hope in the Lord and renew their strength as well.
You are loved. Whether you feel strong at this moment or not does not matter. Recognize where your strength comes from and allow it to wash over and through you.
Blessings on your week…
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