Monday, February 8, 2010

Memory Verse Two: 2-8-10

Good afternoon my fellow members of royalty…

WOW! Aren’t those great words to be greeted with?? We are indeed the daughters of the King, and members of royalty, or His princesses!

I hope that you have had a blessed week…mine was a blessing in so many ways even through my cold and weariness. God is so good and is revealing His love for us in so many ways!

Our numbers have grown this week…I sent (or attempted to send) and email invitation for this to 50+ women last Sunday. I know for sure that one or two got it, but I also know for sure that some didn’t. When I posted this opportunity on facebook at the end of the week, there were several more women that joined us, and most of those were ladies I thought I had already invited! Lol…God has a purpose for everything, and perhaps his reason for my failed email was because He wants the rest of you to invite women to this…perhaps my invitation is not what they need to hear, but your invitation is exactly the right thing. Think and pray about this….you can just forward the emails, or ask me to resend if you need it. I would LOVE to have this group just grow and grow and GROW…yes, while we are growing, too!

This week, I chose a verse that I was going to use a few weeks from now, but it continues our theme, “i am woman hear me roar….” (strength). We are focusing on the fact that not only are we strong, just because we are women, but identifying the Source of our strength, and reminding ourselves by committing this to memory, that He is strong when we are not. He sustains us and holds us in the palm of His mighty hand! Praise God!

I chose the following Scripture for this week because one of our fellow sisters in Christ, and a princess herself, Lisa, yesterday lost the very young baby she was carrying. She is such a woman of God and told me yesterday, “I’m not angry. I know that God has a plan for all of this.” I praise God for her every day, but also know that she will be relying on His strength in the days, weeks, and months to come. 

Here is this week’s verse:

Psalm 89:21
“My hand will sustain him; surely my arm with strengthen him.” (NIV)

(Of course the Bible always uses the male gender, and we can memorize it that way, or you can change it to be “her” or “you.”  Either one works.)

I LOVE the way that the Message translation puts this (and the following verses:
21 And I’ll keep my hand steadily on him, 
yes, I’ll stick with him through thick and thin.
22 No enemy will get the best of him, 
no scoundrel will do him in.
23 I’ll weed out all who oppose him, 
I’ll clean out all who hate him.
24 I’m with him for good and I’ll love him forever; 
I’ve set him on high—he’s riding high!25 I’ve put Ocean in his one hand, River in the other;26 he’ll call out, ‘Oh, my Father—my God, my Rock of Salvation!’

Isn’t that beautiful? And don’t we all need that…perhaps more sometimes than others…but NO ONE (and NOTHING) with get the best of you! He is with you FOR GOOD (not just FOREVER!), and He’ll love you forever, too!

So, this week, please keep our sister and princess, Lisa and her family in your prayers. Pray that she feels held safely in the lap of her Abba Father…her Father King.

My sisters, He holds you in that same lap this week. Bask in His love, his strength as you carry on being a woman.

Blessings and peace….

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