Monday, August 2, 2010

Ayiti. Day 20.

Well, today has been different than every other day in the time that I have been here! I did not spend more than 5 minutes outside, I did not go anywhere in the truck, and I did not take a single photo! Three things that were different!

But, at the same time, I feel it was a very productive day. I don't have the end result yet, but let me tell you about the meetings that I participated in today...

If you remember from an earlier post, click here to read it! we stopped in at the local Heifer International office (only 2 in Haiti, one happens to be a 2 minute walk from where we are staying...), and made an appointment for this morning.

When we got there, we were greeted a National Director for this area, and his associate. I explained my relationship and experience with both Heifer International and the Children of Israel Orphanage, and explained that I just wanted to see if there was anyway that we could get them connected.

In short, there seemed to be a lot of "God-incidences" involved.

 To summarize:

  • A series of meetings have recently been held on how to best help Haiti through Heifer
  • A few more meetings are happening this week.
  •  From today through August 15, 2010, they are accepting grant proposals to fund projects in Haiti since the earthquake. (note "today.)
  • These proposals will be reviewed by a group of individuals from 12 countries on behalf of H.I. into September.
  • During September the projects to be funded (anywhere from $3,000 to $50,000 per year) will be chosen.
  • These projects will be implemented beginning in October 2010.
  • Oh, and it just so happens that this National Director found out after the earthquake as he was helping to distribute food, that he has 2 nieces that are being cared for at the orphanage. Remember that birthday party for Sarah a couple of weeks ago? Yup...her and her older sister, Ruth. Hmmmmm....

So, the grant proposal form isn't quite finished yet, but he has promised to email it to us this week. We already have some ideas for our project, but if you have some ideas, please feel free to "comment me" with them!


Since today has been my very first headache day in Haiti, and it happens to be a migraine, I took some time this afternoon to rest with my eyes covered. No worries, while it isn't completely gone, it is feeling a little better, so thanks in advance for your prayers! A migraine in this heat is not the best, but I'm grateful that it isn't any worse.


On our way to Heifer this morning, a vehicle passed by us with a familiar logo on was the logo of the Gaskov Clerge Foundation.  I was familiar with this foundation through a contact by the name of Cosy Joseph that I befriended on Facebook...or maybe she befriended's been over a year, so I can't remember.

I knew that she, with the GCF had a medical team here in Les Cayes, and then I saw the vehicle with their logo pass by. I mentioned to Ketura what they do, and since Ketura is training to be a Physician's Assistant, she thought that they should try to meet. I sent Cosy a message on her FB wall and set up a meeting for this evening!

She and Dr. Charles came here to Leonie's house, and as it turns out, Cosy grew up right around the corner, knew Pastor Israel, of the church and of the orphanage! (Are you seeing some familiar themes here?)

We did not have long to meet, but enough time to exchange stories and missions. Cosy is running a few conferences the next few days and invited Ketura to attend, which she plans to do...perhaps on Wednesday!

Also, I asked them to talk with Israelson for a moment about his medical issues that he has been struggling with, and he is going to meet with one (or more) of their doctors tomorrow!

We have all agreed to keep in touch...Cosy and the foundation are making plans with an architect NOW to build a world class medical center in this area! Ketura and I both got goosebumps, and this is what Ketura has been praying for and working towards...her future dreams here in Haiti!

When she comes with teams, the bring 60-70 doctors, and over the course of a week or so see about 3,000 patients! This is BIG work that they are doing!

So, as I said earlier, nothing is for sure, but with God all things are possible! Could it be that these connections made today will help to further develop the mission and work of the Izidor family here? And, could the work of and connections of this awesome family help these other organizations? Perhaps...and I pray it is so!

I am so thankful to have been involved in such a small way, and pray that I can be involved in bigger ways in the future...

In other news...if you don't keep up with my husband's updates at his site, firmly rooted ministries, let me tell you that he has been joking with me lately that he isn't exactly sure what God specifically wants his future to be here in Haiti. Regarding that the other day, he said, "I mean, I know I'm pretty good at moving rock, but I thought there might be more...." Don't you love his sense of humor? And God's?

Well, last week while he and I were moving rock (I'm pretty good at it too...), he said, "I have this feeling that I should be doing some sort of devotions with these workers." (The ones working on the wall that we are moving the rock for.) I told him to mention it to Leonie...she said, "YES! YES! My husband always used to do that with the workers when he was alive." And, she headed right over to talk to them. Then she motioned Tom over to join them and he did his first devotion. 

Today he did another, and he talked about how the materials used to build can be the same, but the difference is in your foundation...rock or sand. At the end one of the workers asked him (in Creole) if he could do that with them every day, and the other workers agreed! Tom also shared his granola bars with them, and they were extremely grateful...

So, while today was different, at least for me, it feels like it was a pretty good day! Please keep all of these items in your prayers if you don't mind...



Eric Tritten said...

God is good!

~ kimberly said...

...all the time!...

Nanc said...

WOW!!!! I don't know how else to say it!