Sunday, March 7, 2010

"tell me how You really feel...." (adored) Scripture Memory Verse #6

Good afternoon Princesses!

I hope that wherever you are, you have had a wonderful and restful weekend! Here in Michigan, we have had some of the first signs of spring...some of my early bulbs are just starting to peek through the ground in the sunnier parts of the garden, the sun has been shining brightly and melting the snow, and yesterday morning I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw this sight...a sure sign of spring!
Yes, that's a hot air balloon that went right over our house!

I don't remember seeing them this early in the season before, but the weather has been beautiful, and it brought smiles to many faces to see a couple of hot air balloons going over early on a Saturday morning!

So, while I am realistic enough to know that there are quite a few overcast, cold, and most likely snowy days ahead, spring is sure to come sooner rather than later, and for that, I am quite happy.

This week we will start a new theme with our Scripture memory verses...if you will remember, our last theme was, "i am woman, hear me roar...." (strength) and all of our passages were based on our Source of strength.

This next theme is, "tell me how You really feel...." (adored). I'm sure that you have deduced that we will focus on the love that is lavishly poured out upon us from our Daddy, the King! If you can bask in that love, you will have to start to see the world from a different perspective. Who is it that is filling your cup?

This week's verse:
"I took you from the ends of the earth, from its farthest corners I called you."
Isaiah 41:9

Have you ever felt far away from God? Maybe as a rebellious teen, maybe years ago, or perhaps as recently as last week or this afternoon? I must admit that I have been feeling a little distant, myself, lately. Certainly not because He has moved....but because my heart has moved. It's honest, it hurts, but it's true. But we've all been there, haven't we?

The good news is that no matter how far away we feel, we have been called by the One that adores us. He never moves away from us, and He never desires that our hearts are far from Him. 

And, what a gracious God we have, that all we have to do is call upon Him and we are restored.

If you are feeling distance today my fellow princess, I urge you to pray and read more of Isaiah chapter 41. You will find comfort there, and it's my prayer that you will feel a yearning to go back home to Him...shorten the distance and close the gap. I will be alongside you in prayer and on the journey.

blessings, my friends...and peace...

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