Sunday, April 18, 2010

Scripture Memory Verse, Week #11

Howdy, Princesses!

First, if you think that we are on week #10, please read my previous post, and then, welcome to being a "Mary..." at least where this is concerened!

Our verse for this week continues our theme of what God thinks about you...and is again taken from Isaiah 43.

"For I am the Lord, your God, the Holy One of Israel, Your Savior."  Isaiah 43:3a

This is a short and sweet verse, and it is the conclusion to the larger section we have been memorizing. The reason that it is important is because we need to remember just Who it is that adores us. This is the Lord, YOUR God. Oh, and He also happens to be the Holy One of Israel, YOUR Savior. Let  that knock your socks off as you reflect on it...HE is the one that thinks you are just so cool!

So, was the cashier at the grocery store a little snarly to you this week? Did your kids not appreciate all of the things you do for them? Did your boss seem to have the idea that you have no life outside the office, and the reason your planner has more room in it is so that you can be given more assignments???? Do not dismay...the God of the UNIVERSE thinks you are awesome, He adores you, and you have been created in His image. Let's put it all in perspective.

I know that I am going to about you?
Blessings on your week, princess!

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