Monday, August 16, 2010

Ayiti. Days 33-34. (or, 3 days before we leave Ayiti.)

Yesterday into today we had our longest stretch with no electricity since we've been here. Usually we have been able to count on having one fan going in the evening as we go to sleep, but then it goes off between 2-4 am. You always hope that you are sleeping soundly at the point, and won't notice that you are sweating into the mattress and pillow! But, last night we lost power as soon as we went to bed, about 11:15 pm, and still didn't have it this morning when we left for Torbeck at 9 am.
I have a couple of things to say to you! 
If you can:
1) walk to your refrigerator door and dispense water and/or ice into your glass, 
2) be a little surprised with the electricity goes out and have that feeling of playing "pioneer"
3) turn the faucet and water comes out
4) flush your toilet whenever you wish
5) open your refrigerator and pantry and be able to make at least 4 meals without going shopping
6) count on your car starting when you turn the key,
...then give thanks, because you are blessed! These are things that no person in Haiti can do on a regular basis!

Well, I had hoped to post some photos from the baptism and the past couple of days, but they won't upload, so the post is just to remind you to give thanks!

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