Tuesday, May 25, 2010

healing begins...

Good Evening,

This song has been on my mind and heart all afternoon and evening, and I have listened to it about 5 times. Then tonight I did a search and found this. I might be wrong, but I have this feeling that someone else needs to hear this message.

Here is the video that explains the premise behind this song:
(note the use of the word "cling" in this video.)

10th Avenue North "Healing Begins" Video

And here is the song in full with the lyrics:

Healing Begins

Please know that if this is convicting for you, it is even more so for me. I have many walls that need to come crashing down....

I pray that whomever it is that needed this is blessed by it! Or, perhaps you know just the person that needs this message. Feel free to forward...

Good night...don't forget that you are a child of the King. That makes you a princess....


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